Part of a (frugal) Maker's Life is figuring out what to do with remnants and detritus left over from a previous project. I guess, in my case, it comes from being raised by parents who lived through the Depression. I very seldom throw anything away. These are hinge-wannabes (leftovers from April's Maker Challenge) that are just begging to be repurposed (for May's Maker Challenge). I hope I'm not jinxing it by showing this photo before I have (successfully) completed the new project! How many of you have a drawer/closet/house/garage-full of leftovers that you just can't let go of, that you might get to some day? What is one thing leftover from a previous project that you've been holding onto?

Posted by Shirley Walle at 2022-05-12 21:51:41 UTC