What Is Art, Anyway? That was the name and theme of a two-day show that a dear friend, Ruth Hudgens, organized 25 years ago that I participated in in Salem, Oregon. It was a two-day celebration of every art form imaginable – all women: Clogging, singing, painting, yodeling, traditional dance from many countries, metal art, jewelry, drumming, all forms of musical instruments, and on and on and on. I’ve never seen anything like it before or since. And when I saw this booth at Salem Saturday Market, this morning, I thought of Ruth’s celebration. The name of the booth is Your Topic, Your Price. Trip and Jenna sat in front of two vintage/antique manual typewriters. The buyer provides a topic, and Trip or Jenna writes a poem for the buyer. I love seeing something out of the norm, and this definitely was out of the realm of what one would find at a Saturday Market. Of course, I had to do it. My topic was my totem or spirit animal, the Spider, which is also the theme of my Wild Gatherings shop. I provided the topic and left Jenna to it, returning 15 minutes later to retrieve my poem. Here it is. What "other" form of art has impressed you, amazed you, moved you to stretch your imagination, altered your former definition of art, and perked your curiosity? 8 legs Sitting silent In the Center Observing in all Directions HER eight limbs Folded softly SHE sees you And doesn’t mind waiting.

Posted by Shirley Walle at 2022-06-25 22:51:55 UTC