Frustrated by my lack of familiarity (and therefore knowledge) about shipping set up. I am trying to change my shipping from free shipping for everything to RealTime USPS First Class Mail & Priority Mail (Not yet done because I didn't want to hike the learning curve when I set up my shop so I set everything to free shipping. Advice - don't do as I have done.) Questions: 1) If the setting is RealTime - I've used GoImagine's ID number, I THINK... do I have to set prices in the Shipping Charges Screen? 2) How do I know if GO's ID is actually connected to USPS? 3) Do I have to go back and Link all 75 products to the new shipping individually? 4) What else do I need to know? Do? Personal Note: Yes, I know there are videos. The speakers in my laptop don't work, but I'm trying to use them with the CC on. I don't mean to be snarky. Everything is harder when I don't feel well. My lack of patience and frustration is fueled by 12 + weeks of ongoing illness. I've had to cancel participation in five shows. Many days I can't get off of the couch. This isn't the place to air this, but it's part of the snarl of knots I'm dealing with right now.

Posted by Deleted (07ceeed2) at 2022-09-18 15:36:49 UTC