I debated with myself on where to post this. . .yes it involves etsy but it's about business, actually it's about etsy's upcoming change that may force me to consider things I don't want to change about my business. πŸ™ƒ I'm guessing if you have an etsy that you too have seen the notice about changing return policies. I have to say I'm not happy about this, my esty shop is several years old, old enough to have my own policies not the boilerplate stuff etsy started forcing on new shops a few years back, they said we were grandfathered in and didn't *have* to change, but typical etsy has changed their mind on that change and here we are. Part of the reason I did not change over to the boilerplate stuff is because I really disliked how it looked, some it was worded weird, there were limited options and I couldn't make it say what I wanted. Now I am considering this new forced version and I admit I haven't dug thru it fully yet but what if I can't get it to say what I want? What if again it's limited options and yes/no stuff and I end up with policies that don't match between etsy < goimagine? How would it effect RainbowMaille's brand consistency if the policies don't match? Or is this just my OCD over-thinking? This is the short version there is a longer blogpost https://rainbowmaille.blogspot.com/2022/09/thanks-etsy.html

Posted by Rainbowmaille at 2022-09-25 11:54:58 UTC