I haven’t been able to get much listed yet. My honey has this honey do list for both of us. Painting the house, fixing cars and lawn equipment. It seems all of his projects involves my help. LOL! Then I have a small fruit, vegetable, herbs garden to take care of also. I much rather play with my jewelry making supplies and creating new stuff. I’m having to learn all the social Media, computer and photography stuff all over again. I hadn’t really done anything with any of it since 2017 and there has been a lot of changes. I like the suggestion from Sarah Sewell of taking photos in natural light. Today I attempted to take pictures outside. In the past I mainly used a light box set up. I feel a bit overwhelmed, but know if I keep at it I will get it done. Didn’t realize that I have over 500 finished pieces of jewelry made. This doesn’t include all the half done stuff just waiting to be completed.

Posted by Cynthia Crampton at 2022-09-30 03:17:44 UTC