Maker Challenge Updates! Our #makerchallenge has gotten a little refresh! Here’s what you need to know: • Makers can submit up to 2 entries per challenge • Meet the Maker section of your shop MUST be filled out. • The top submissions will be chosen by the goimagine team. Winners will be chosen by public vote. • NEW! We have implemented a new polling system to only allow 1 vote per IP address. • NEW! Prizes will be awarded to both the Winner and the Finalist. • Winner: subscription credit worth 3 months • Finalist: subscription credit worth 1 month • NEW! Winner and Finalist will be featured on the goimagine homepage. • All submissions (including winners) will be included in the full collection. While we encourage you to create something new for these challenges, if you have a perfect product that fits a theme, please submit it! Our survey results showed us that while many makers wanted to participate, time was an issue. We encourage all makers to participate in any way they can whether that be entering a submission, sharing the vote, or just encouraging fellow makers that are participating. Visit for full details and to view the active challenges. As a reminder, the December challenge deadline has been extended into January. Any questions? Drop them below or feel free to reach out directly.

Posted by Stephanie Romkey at 2022-12-19 16:36:48 UTC