Shopify is increasing their subscription from $29/month to $39/month. (i.e. a 33% increase and $120 more per year). Not surprisingly, this has caused their stock to rise considerably at the expense of their vendors. On our end, MOSAIC by goimagine is currently $10/month, but more importantly we are grandfathering in our early supporters at that pricing forever. Even as our planned upgrades and features are will always be $10/month. As we mature our platform and expand it's features/functionality we will eventually raise the MOSAIC pricing. When we feel the upgrades justify a slight price increase we will be doing it....but only on new customers joining after the price increase. Existing customers will enjoy their current monthly price forever. We feel our early supporters deserve the benefit of having a lower price for being onboard with us early. So, while other platforms may change what they charge you at a moments notice, we won't do that to our early adopters...ever. Thank you being a part of our mission to help children in need through handmade. You're support (and subscription) is helping us build something special together.

Posted by Jon Lincoln at 2023-01-26 16:54:24 UTC