MAKER CHALLENGE The #MakerChallenge is a fun way to step out of your comfort zone. There are 3 active challenges at any given time, so there is plenty of time for you to participate. Visit for full details and to view the active challenges. Benefits of Participating: 1. It's a reason to try a new skill or technique. 2. It helps with creative block. Each challenge is designed to be very open to interpretation. Get creative with your submissions. 3. It's a great way to get your followers involved in your work! Share your progress on social media and get your followers excited about the outcome. 4. Membership Fee Credits! Credits will be awarded to both the winner and the finalist. • Winner: subscription credit worth 3 months • Finalist: subscription credit worth 1 month 5. Exposure! All submissions are included in a challenge collection that can be accessed through the homepage. In addition, the winner and finalist will be featured directly on the homepage and through social media. While we encourage you to create something new for these challenges, if you have a perfect product that fits a theme, please submit it! We encourage all makers to participate in any way they can whether that be entering a submission, sharing the vote, or just encouraging fellow makers that are participating.

Posted by Stephanie Romkey at 2023-02-27 20:50:11 UTC