Happy Monday!! Start the week with intention! Sometimes we just go through the motions and float from one thing to the next with no real direction or intention, then next thing we know it’s Friday and an entire week has gone by and not much really got accomplished. 😝 To get the handle on the week, take some time today to get your weeks workflow in order! When you take a few minutes to sit down and plan the week you have sort of a guide post throughout the week when stuff gets busy to keep you on track and focused. Make a list of todos this week: products to create, photograph and list… emails to read and respond to, products to make, pack and ship… any meetings or appointments. Social Media posts to schedule and really anything in general that you want to accomplish. Designate all those tasks to specific times and or days. It doesn’t have to be super organized it can have room for flexibility’s but at least you want to have them down as a guiding point to make your weeks agenda focused. This is your Monday reminder that you can handle anything that comes your way this week! You got this! 🙌🏼🎉🥰

Posted by Sarah Sewell at 2022-02-21 16:52:45 UTC